Safety First Over Everything Else - Nothing Matters More

Twelve days after the Grenfell Tower tragedy, in questing have begun into how some of the victims have died - a young boy, a mother and daughter and a man whose body was found near the tower. Questions are being asked and answers are needed in order to ascertain why so many people died. The option to build "upwards" rather than "outwards" is one of cost - tower blocks are in the long run cheaper than a wide expanse of land, especially when it comes to city living.The Grenfell Tower - a 24-storey tower block was designed in 1967 by Clifford Wearden and Associates, with the council approving its construction in 1970 as part of phase one of the Lancaster West redevelopment project.Construction began in 1972 under the council housing system and was completed in 1974. The renovation of the tower was completed in 2016, with plans for the renovation to have been set in 2012. This is where the "blame game" begins - Who is responsible ? What could and should have been done to prevent this tragedy?

The outline of why building regulations and Health & Safety was flouted and where liability lies, is where the unravelling of this necessary saga begins. The enquiry will go on for years but this does not help the victims or those displaced by what happened in North Kensington.


Gratitude When You Least expect it


GDPR 2018 - What's all the Hoo Ha about?