In times of need, get the right Support for Your Lettings Business

It has been ten months and 3 days since the UK went into the first Lockdown and just over a year since Wuhan officially announced that Covid-19 existed - this novel Coronavirus which has caused chaos across the globe.

The shift in the way in which we live our lives has been unprecedented and the way we work has most definitely changed beyond belief. GLM has always been at the forefront of training and professional development, however, the last ten months has impacted not only the way we work - on-line delivery Versus Face-to-Face delivery, but the response to the needs of our clients.

Our client base is diverse, ranging from private landlord who self- manage big portfolios to local authorities, charities, trusts, franchisees and high street agents. All have something very key in common - they use our Advice Line, require support and guidance.

Being client focused is where it all begins - what are the requirements? How will they be fulfilled? How does our service assist with the day-to-day running of a lettings business?

Our Clients Needs

Legislation and in particular, the Coronavirus Act 2020 have been one of the most challenging elements throughout the period off the Pandemic. Therefore, information which is easy to absorb and navigate is of paramount importance. The sheer volume of information issued by the Government, Public Health England and the HSE has been insurmountable, so we have read, disseminated and provided simple versions of what needs to be done in order to comply with the Law. For example, our Covid-19 Post-Lockdown Bundles were extremely well-received. We also opted for visual resources as opposed to the written word, simpler to understand and retain.

Our Methodology

Free Webinars, email support and telephone support have been ongoing since the first Lockdown on March 23rd, 2020. We reacted and made changes to the way we worked relatively quickly and continued providing support daily. We provided legal advice and also to an extent, a type of comfort for those who were working from home. Our conversations evolved from the business orientated to the less formal discussions about family, past-times, Covid-19 impact on day to day lives. And as a result, our professional relationship with clients developed as never before.

The Support

If we have learnt anything, in a time of crisis we need support, someone who listens, allows us to vent and allows us to feel supported. The Advice Line deals with a whole range of issues some straightforward and some extremely complex, nevertheless we always have an answer or solution to a problem which provides our clients with a sense of reassurance . We work in partnership with our clients who feel the that we provide them with a comfort blanket when it comes to advice and guidance.

Supporting our Clients Business

We have often be told that compliance and advice does not translate into commercial and value added gain, but minimising risk is paramount to any business, not because we are presented with ever evolving emergency legislation, but because this is the premise of our business - minimising risk and maximising potential. For example, having providing adequate equipment, like personal protective equipment (PPE) or training to employees on how to keep themselves safe, is crucial to any business. We manage the risk in partnership with our clients which leads to a level of reassurance.

For further information on our Advice Line Membership or GLM Membership contact Lauren Green -


Professional Risk Associated with Property Professionals


Announcement from Robert Jenrick regarding Support for Renters and the Homeless