168 Hours in a Week. How do You manage yours?

"The trouble is you think you have time." Buddha

It doesn't matter where in the World we are and on which time-zone, one of the things we all have in common is that the 24 hours in our day remains constant. In some parts of our Planet those hours may be steeped in darkness and at other times, we will witness the Midnight Sun. It's how we use our time that differs.

168 hours in one week and with technology to help us on our way, you would think that those of us in the developed World would have much more time to devote to the things that matter. Scroll through The AppStore and you will find an infinite list of Apps to wake you, motivate you, help you to exercise, analyse how often you move, stand, take a breath, help you order food and get the food delivered, assist in every aspect of running a business- from communicating with your team to filing accounts and business receipts, there's even an App to monitor the walks your dog has been on that day, whether it drank enough and how often it pooped!

Yes, our every desire can be catered for and our every move can be monitored. So why do we appear to have a lot less time. We read about having it all - yet we have less because we have too much. The hours we've had have always been the same, however, we are exposed to a 24 hour life - where cities never sleep, at least not online, where we can be entertained by watching box set after box set, without leaving the comfort of our sofa.

We are told that the average person exercises for 55 minutes in one week - what's happening with the other 167.5 hours? Work takes up 39, sleep 56, that leaves 72.5 hours to spend on social media and to download the Apps we need to run our "automated" lives. 72.5 hours equals just a little over 3 days! That's an awful lot of time.

Just like the rabbit in Alice in Wonderland, we never appear to have much time. It's quite a conundrum that we always seem to be short of the luxury that we all share.

"Time is what we want most but what we use worst." William Penn


Snow Day? Not for Everyone.


Motivation. Inspiration. Dedication. Determination.