Back to School means Back to Work

This week saw the start of a new school term for many children across the UK - some will be new to school life, some will move to a bigger establishment, some will move into a different year group. There will be excitement, trepidation, nerves, tears - feelings not just experienced by the children but by parents too. Six weeks of summer holidays have disappeared which means for most parents a new autumn routine which includes, of course, back to work. The Office of National Statistics showed that more mother’s are working full-time and therefore for all mums and dads, going back to work after even a short break requires some juggling. The school day in the UK is shorter than in most European countries, but even so there’s the school run, uniforms, homework, school supplies, breakfast clubs, after school clubs and activities, exams and play dates to work around and diarise. And the UK does not afford parents the same luxury in terms of childcare support as Scandinavia, so the new term can be a little stressful. Managing time and diaries is paramount, sometimes requiring military precision to ensure that every child is ready, prepared and where they are meant to be at a certain time. There is so much emphasis on being “perfect” that it puts not only parents under pressure but children too. A lot of schools provide support for parents who work and are trying to balance their working day with parental duties.


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