Do Not Compromise on Health - Coronavirus Guidance

Follow Guidance provided by Public Health England

Public Health England have published guidance for Employers and Businesses.

The Chancellor confirmed support in the Budget yesterday for Businesses.

We are grateful to clients who are calling the advice line to share their experiences  so that other letting agents and property managers can be made aware of the situations that they may have to deal with.
Scenario - a property where the Gas Safety is due. This was scheduled to be carried out today, however the tenant in question has contacted the letting agent  to advise that they are self-isolating as they have been in contact with someone who is being tested for the Coronavirus.
The letting agent has time since the certificate is not due to expire until 20th March, however the concern is that if the Tenants do have to self-isolate for 14 days, this takes the date past the expiry date on the Gas Safety. 

What action must we take?
We spoke to the Health and Safety Executive Gas Safety advise line who advised the following:-
Keep records of any discussions that take place with tenants who are self-isolating.
Save all email correspondence from the tenants in question.
Advise contractors that they should not be putting themselves in a position of danger even though they have a Duty of Care.
Public Health England advised that contractors or letting agents must not put themselves in situations where they could be on contact with someone who is self-isolating
We spoke to the Gas Safe Register advice line this morning, who advised that all reasonable steps must be shown to demonstrate that appointments have been made to carry out the gas safety certificate and that records of any correspondence or communication with the tenant must be kept on record. Please, note this applies to ALL situations where access is not possible.


Thoughts on Being Isolated


Preparedness to avoid creating Panic