How does Your Garden Grow?

After a year of being in Lockdown, outside space of any kind became extremely important and very much sought after. A report by the Office of National Statistics showed that "the coronavirus (COVID-19) and its behavioural impacts (including many people working from home and spending more time at home in general) may have had some effect on people's preferences for properties, increasing the focus on space - including outdoor space - and reducing the focus on proximity to offices." But it is the fact that outside space regardless of whether it is a balcony, court yard or garden was clearly at the top of the wish list for many tenants.
Research by Rightmove found that the priorities for both buyers and renters had similar skews towards properties with bigger gardens or access to one, and properties that were generally bigger by measure of square footage.
And as this desire and need to be outside became more and more important, outside activities became extremely crucial to mental health and well-being. The garden has always been consider as a another room and now gardening has never been more in vogue. As a nation, we’ve turned to the joy of growing plants as a source of joy, relaxation and a route to spending more time outdoors, as well as a way to manage stress and boost wellness. Whether it's a windowsill, terrace or back garden, it really has made a difference to our lives.

As the UK moves towards further changes to the way on which people can live, the garden and outside space will continue to be a sought after feature by tenants who will invest time and energy into creating a haven.

Read the New National Garden Scheme report highlights the importance of gardens and outdoor spaces during lockdown


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