Ikigai - What that means to me
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Ikigai - What that means to me

I’ve been asked the same question over the last , well, almost 3 years since I started studying the GDL - Graduate Diploma in Law in 2018. Why are you studying something so complicated at your AGE? The reply was often a jumbled response - because I can, because I’m a life-long learner, because, because,because. It wasn’t until I actually graduated, that I realised studying, learning new skills, research was part of my DNA.
Studying the GDL and now the LPC became my way of perfecting the quasi rustic knowledge I had gained over 14 years as a trainer- advisor, in order to formalise not only what I had learnt but be trained in a very formal way. It was tough especially when the Pandemic hit and it meant that I would not see the inside of a lecture theatre for just over a year. Whilst I am a self-motivated learner, I regale in the engagement that takes place in a training room, classroom or lectures- not only is the camaraderie great, the psychological aspects assist with the learning process - bouncing ideas off one another, Q& A without interruption or tech issues, relating to lecturers who provide a much more convincing performance in person than they do online.

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Businesses can Survive and Thrive Post-Lockdown and beyond
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Businesses can Survive and Thrive Post-Lockdown and beyond

Helping You to Reset your Business has become our Mission

Inspired by the dedication, tenacity, determination, ability to adapt of the letting agents we have been working with pre-Lockdown and everyone we talked to and communicated to during Lockdown and post-lockdown, we have changed the way we work and have also changed and evolved.
In September 2020 we will be launching a set of programmes which will look at Business Continuity Planning (BCP). The inspiration comes from our Solution Focused Training initiative where training provides participants with an objective & an outcome.
The BCP will focus on adding value to your letting agency, making subtle changes and thinking beyond Coronavirus.
Our training sessions have been developed with detail in mind - so we can focus on the questions asked and provide you with the answers you need. Our new resources will also help you and your team to navigate complex changes.

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